Home Remodeling, Naples, FL

HomeHome Remodeling, Naples, FL

Create more beautiful and functional spaces with our home remodeling services.

Today, many people use the terms “home remodeling” and “home renovating” interchangeably, but did you know they actually refer to different processes? Generally speaking, remodeling is the process of upgrading the features or layout of a space, so it might include tearing out unnecessary walls, removing old fixtures, and installing new floors. Renovating, on the other hand, refers to the process of restoring or repairing existing features to make them look like new again.

Home Remodeling in Naples, Florida

If you’ve mixed up these terms, you’re not alone. Furthermore, whether you’re interested in a home remodeling project or a home renovation job, our team here at MKON Construction, LLC can help!

With over 15 years of professional experience in the construction industry, our skilled team has the expertise and skills required for home remodeling jobs of all shapes and sizes. We’re committed to providing highly personalized services, so you can have confidence that your home remodeling goals will be met when you work with us. Typically, we’ll meet with a client to listen to their wants and needs for their home remodeling project, inspect the spaces they’d like to remodel, and get an idea of their budget. From there, we can create a custom design plan to match the client’s exact needs without breaking the bank.

We’re proud to serve homeowners throughout the Naples, Florida community, and we would be honored to work with you on your next home remodeling project. Once you’re ready to upgrade and enhance your home, simply give us a call to schedule a consultation and get started.


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